NOVELTY On sale now! Want to know more 20 Modern Snare Drum Solos  Un professeur de batterie
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Welcome to the Daniel Bédard Drum School

Lessons are available at the studio or online for students of every level. Wether you haven’t played a note ever or if you are a pro drummer, there is content for you.

Zoom group classes will be available soon. Stay tuned for more information on this subject.

Pre-recorded lessons will also be available soon for those of you who would like to learn more about some specific content.


May 7, 2024

20 Modern Snare Drum Solos

Hot off the press, get my snare drum solos book. For more information, go to the Books page

Good News

Modern Drummer talk about my book. Read the review here

Here a few clips where I demonstrate exercices from the book. In the first one, I’m playing the first solo of the book titled “A Walk In The Park”. In the second one, I’m playing an excerpt from “Diddle Doggy Bag” at a slower tempo. And in the third one, I’m playing applications on the set from the same solo.




Lessons are available at the studio in Montreal in the Hochelaga neighbour.


Online lessons are also available for those of you who live too far or those of you who prefer the confort of their own kit.


Zoom group lessons will be available soon. You can click on the link for more information on those.


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